Ep 167: NBA Forever with Drew Watkins


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Ep 167: NBA Forever with Drew Watkins

Episode 167: Show Notes

On the show today is a very special guest; none other than Light's brother, Drew Watkins! As a creative director for Turner Sports and Bleacher Report, Drew has been involved in some of the most-watched sports-based content in the last 20 years, and it is quite likely that you have seen a lot of Drew's work without even knowing it.

In this conversation, we get to hear all about the early seeds of Drew's interest in video and creating recordings, and how the vibe in the Watkins home influenced his outlook on life. Drew also shares a bit about his years at college and the interesting challenges he faced during this period, through to his transition into the professional sphere.

The most emblematic element of Drew's career is his philosophy on creativity, and hearing about his approach to making content and producing pieces that are exciting and apt is truly inspiring.

There are so many relatable lessons for listeners to grab onto, and the message here of following a passion in interesting directions is a very strong one. Press play and hear it all!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Drew's childhood memories, favorite activities, and family dynamics.

  • The first camera that he knew about and desperately wanted. 

  • Ideas and philosophies that Drew absorbed from his parents.

  • The things that inspired him and allowed him to think about creating early in his life.

  • Thoughts on success and ambition when entering into college.

  • Starting out at USC and how Drew felt he measured up to his peers.

  • The first major disappointment and rejection that he experienced. 

  • How Drew connected with ESPN after college and his first experiences interning.

  • Important lessons that he learned early on; compiling highlights, and the skills that go into the process.   

  • Drew's adherence to audience interest and being thorough. 

  • The decision that he made to switch to Turner Sports, and the numerous awards that he went on to win.

  • Drew dives deep into his creative process and its evolution over the years.

  • The impact of constraints and limitations on creativity.

  • Common challenges and themes involved in selling ideas and creativity.

  • The proudest, finest, and luckiest moments from Drew's career. 

  • Advice that Drew would give to his younger self about trust.


“My earliest memories were just watching shows, watching movies. Our mom was a huge movie person.” — @Drew_Watkins [0:07:19]


“I just wanted to get the camera and start recording stuff. I didn't know really what that even meant. I didn't really have a concept that I would make movies or put stuff together. I just knew I could get it and I could record stuff.” — @Drew_Watkins [0:11:55]


“The idea that I could put stuff on the TV and people could gather around and watch that was just like mind-blowing to me.” — @Drew_Watkins [0:12:40]


“I felt that I was thorough. And I felt that I would try to pick out things at times that were interesting that other people might not pick up on.” — @Drew_Watkins [0:52:57]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Drew Watkins on X

Turner Sports

Bleacher Report

NBA Forever

Kobe Bryant

Michael Jordan

Inside the NBA

Jeremy Piven

Bryan Cranston

Light Watkins

Light Watkins on YouTube

Knowing Where to Look

The Happiness Insiders Community