Ep 176: The Luminous Self with Tracee Stanley


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Ep 176: The Luminous Self with Tracee Stanley

Episode 176: Show Notes

Joining us on the podcast is Tracee Stanley, who was the guest on Episode 43, Radiant Rest with Tracee Stanley.

Drawing inspiration from 28 years of dedicated practice and study in yoga and tantra, she offers practices aimed at rekindling the awareness of one's true self, enabling access to the eternal, powerful, wise, and deserving aspects within.

She crafts sacred environments that foster clarity, self-devotion, and the momentum required for steering away from detrimental patterns, guiding individuals towards living harmoniously with the inner guidance of their souls.

During our conversation, we delve deeply into the philosophies and ideologies of sacred yogic practices and rituals that aid in rediscovering one's true self, as detailed in her latest book, The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices and Rituals to Remember Who You Are.

We explore the concept that your authentic self is revealed rather than defined, the parallel between self-forgetting and collective amnesia to a virus, and Tracee provides valuable guidance on navigating the diverse array of existing practices.

Our discussion also encompasses Samskaras and Vāsanās, the role of therapists in activating your true self, and the significance of self-inquiry. Tune in to discover more about psychic knots, the wisdom of the Dagara Tribe of West Africa, The Luminous Self training, and so much more!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • To hear a deep dive into Tracee’s back story, check out episode 43.

  • Tracee does a little montage of her superhero origin story: a pivotal moment in junior high.

  • The revelation of one's authentic self: peeling back the layers of who you are not.

  • Tracee highlights what she discovered when she started peeling back the layers.

  • How the practice of the Himalayan tradition called The Cave of the Heart Practice brought Tracee to a luminous awareness.

  • Why she paralleled self-forgetting and collective amnesia to a virus.

  • Navigating a variety of practices as different types of seekers: consistently and with devotion.

  • We discuss the exchange that occurs when we offer training (time/money/energy/devotion).

  • How we can stress test our desire: what speaks to you and what do you value.

  • Tracee unpacks the term Samskara and what happens when our Samskaras accumulate.

  • What it means to have support in a therapist, through the lens of The Luminous Self.

  • Why Tracee believes you are not your personality: which masks are you ready to lay down?

  • A practical example of how can we power wash the windshield to purify the personality.

  • She delves further into what she means when she says consistent practice.

  • Why the concept of self-inquiry is important and how you can approach it.

  • Tracee explains what a psychic knot is.

  • What we can learn from the Dagara Tribe of West Africa.

  • We run through a list of circumstances and Tracee shares a summarized version of a practice (from the book) you can use to help you navigate that situation.

  • She elaborates on The Luminous Self Training.

  • Where to find out more about the book and about Tracee.


“I think the journey is different for everyone and maybe the answer is also different for everyone. I can only speak for my own experience but I do think that we’re on this earth in this lifetime to be able to taste that light, that essence, that frequency, however, it comes to us.” — Tracee Stanley [0:14:22]


“I was really specific about the practices that I chose to share [in my book] and I feel like any of those practices done over a long period of time with devotion and consistency will lead you somewhere.” — Tracee Stanley [0:23:09]

“For me, my value is around time, less around money.” — Tracee Stanley [0:31:32]


“I think that part of the process of spiritual practice is for us to A, become aware of the coloring, to do the practice that could sort of scrapes off the coloring and then B, aware of, “What’s the origin of the coloring?” — Tracee Stanley [0:37:41]


“A lot of times people come to spiritual practices and maybe feel like they don’t need therapy. Therapy can be so helpful — I think finding the right therapist can be very supportive — A therapist wants you to be, and activate, your best true self.” — Tracee Stanley [0:41:28]


“I am the sum total of all of my habits that I do consistently, all of the thoughts that I think consistently, that forms my personality.” — Tracee Stanley [0:48:35]


Longer Quotes:

“What I got to see was that all the work that I had thought that I had done around, “Who am I” I really got to see how attached I was. I got to see how attached, “Oh, I’m attached to being a studio owner, I’m attached to being a prominent member of a community.” This feels like a death right now. It’s like, all these parts of me are dying and I’m really glad that I had this Yoga philosophy to kind of lean on. To recognize, “Oh, this is what they’re talking about in the Yoga Sutras, this fear of death” right? “This idea that I’m going to go bankrupt somehow feels like a death and what am I going to do about it?” I need to lean into the darkness right now. I need to lean into the death because the truth is that this is not who I am. This is just another mask that I have put on that’s actually keeping me from seeing the truth and being the truth.” — Tracee Stanley [0:15:55]

“As I was watching and feeling into what was happening in my community and then the world at large, I was like, “Oh, there is another virus.” And this virus is that we have forgotten who we are because when we remember who we are, we treat people with kindness, we treat people with compassion, and we understand that we are collective and that what I do affects you, and what you do affects me.” — Tracee Stanley [0:20:30]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

 Tracee Stanley

Tracee Stanley on Instagram

Tracee Stanley on Facebook

Tracee Stanley Email

Tracee Stanley Linktr.ee

Ep 43: Radiant Rest with Tracee Stanley

The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices and Rituals to Remember Who You Are


The Luminous Self Book Club

The Luminous Self Training (2024)

Radiant Rest



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