Ep 21: The life of Frederick Douglass with David Blight Career Switch, Discrimination, Perserverance, Family Difficulties, Financial Difficulties, Leap of Faith, Mental Difficulties, Physical Difficulties, All EpisodesLight WatkinsOctober 13, 2020
Ep 20: Yoga With Adriene with Adriene Mishler Perserverance, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsOctober 6, 2020
Ep 19: Police Reform with Edwin Raymond Perserverance, Discrimination, Mental Difficulties, Family Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsSeptember 30, 2020
Ep 18: ARRAY with Ava DuVernay Career Switch, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsSeptember 22, 2020
Ep 17: Yung Pueblo with Diego Perez Career Switch, Perserverance, Mental Difficulties, Family Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsSeptember 16, 2020
Ep 16: The Genius Life with Max Lugavere Career Switch, Mental Difficulties, All EpisodesLight WatkinsSeptember 9, 2020
Ep 15: SÜPERMARKT with Olympia Auset Perserverance, Financial Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsSeptember 2, 2020
Ep 14: Brix Fitness with Robert Glover Career Switch, Perserverance, Physical Difficulties, Mental Difficulties, Financial Difficulties, Family Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsAugust 25, 2020
Ep 13: MyIntent with Chris Pan Career Switch, Discrimination, Perserverance, Mental Difficulties, Family Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsAugust 19, 2020
Ep 12: Friends of the High Line with Robert Hammond Career Switch, Perserverance, Mental Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsAugust 11, 2020
Ep 11: Trash is for Tossers with Lauren Singer Perserverance, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsAugust 4, 2020
Ep 10: Wanderlust / One Commune with Jeff Krasno Career Switch, Perserverance, Financial Difficulties, Family Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 28, 2020
Ep 9: Lunch On Me with LaRayia Gaston Perserverance, Physical Difficulties, Financial Difficulties, Discrimination, Family Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 22, 2020
Ep 8: The Big Quiet with Jesse Isreal Career Switch, Mental Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 14, 2020
Ep 7: #HashtagLunchbag with Ajay Relan Perserverance, Mental Difficulties, Leap of Faith, Financial Difficulties, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 8, 2020
Ep 6: AdoptMent with April Dinwoodie Career Switch, Perserverance, Discrimination, Financial Difficulties, Family Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 1, 2020
Ep 5: DC / LA Kitchen with Robert Egger Career Switch, Discrimination, Perserverance, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 1, 2020
Ep 4: Shine On Sierra Leone with Tiffany Persons Career Switch, Perserverance, Financial Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 1, 2020
Ep 3: The Buried Life with Ben Nemtin Career Switch, Perserverance, Financial Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 1, 2020
Ep 2: Surviving Sundays with Emma Mainoo Career Switch, Perserverance, Discrimination, Mental Difficulties, Financial Difficulties, Leap of Faith, All EpisodesLight WatkinsJuly 1, 2020